Truth, Goodness & Beauty by Plato

AI & 3D Development

Advanced 2D-3D data optimization technology, Easy to use for everyone. Fun, Noble, Convenient.

Forte of xRsion

xRsion's Strengths

Development capability

Our members, including a former chief researcher at the National Institute of Technology in London, are well versed in both AI and 3D. We also provide quick DX development that is easy to use by utilizing the developed system.


Motion designers, 3D modelers, and UX/UI designers who have worked on well-known game titles have gathered here. We are committed to the highest quality production, not only in terms of technology, but also in terms of expression, which is a key element of CG production.

Problem-solving ability

Is that development the optimal solution in the first place? We only provide effective solutions that directly lead to results. Our consulting proposals are based on our deep understanding of both business and technology.




CG/3D Production

CG space and 3D character creation, modeling, motion.



Application development for AR, VR, Vision-Pro.


Image Judgment System

Just take a picture with your phone. Easy inspection checks are completed automatically. No need for double checking by a manager.


xRsion's About

xRsion Inc.

Address: 5-26 Funado-cho, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo 659-0093

CEO: 島藤純奈

Date of Establishment: 2022/9/5

Business: Artificial intelligence and 3D development and production.

Founding Thoughts
One hundred ordinary painters could not create a masterpiece in a thousand hours.
The same is true for technology.
Whether writing code or weaving formulas, there must be a firm "truth, goodness, and beauty.
Furthermore, talent alone will not produce products that will change society.
In a climate where the only thing we can see is the number of man-hours, we will fight to create a stir in society together with our colleagues who have a philosophy in life and work with a sense of beauty, and who are people of character and respect.

We also hope to show that women are allowed to live differently from other countries in Japan, where women have been able to be active in business since the Meiji era, so that women can remain active in society even if their careers are interrupted due to childcare or family reasons.



xR Business Application Study Group

神戸市商工会様主催のxR研究会が、本年度も開催され、弊社代表が講師を務めさせていただきます。今期中に参加企業様 […]

Founder Lab

シリコンバレー最大のプレシード・アクセラレーターであるFounder Institute Japan の第1期 […]

Considering Business Applications of Metaverse

メタバースにご興味のある神戸商工会メンバー様への、ミニセミナーとカジュアルなミートアップを行いました。 30社 […]

Featured in the Kobe Shimbun

神戸新聞様に取材いただき、2022年8月30日号に掲載されました […]

Speaker at the Kansai Business Plan Contest

2022年12月7日 関西ビジネスプランコンテスト(KBC)に登壇させていただきました。ありがとうございました […]

Corporate website is now available.

株式会社xRsionのコーポレートサイトを公開いたしました。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
